The advantages of highly elastic biphasic fillers and highly viscous monophasic fillers are combined in Aileene Vol 3 (1.0ml), the first multi-layered phasic HA filler in the globe.
A product with exceptional lifting capacity is AiLEENE Vol#3. Because it was made to fill in volume from the inside out, deep creases can be easily restored by elevating the higher layers, even when the injection is made into the deepest layer, which is above the periosteum. Additionally, the substance can be utilized in operations to sculpt the chin or tip of the nose.
Large-particle HAs, measuring about 1500 μm, were formerly employed because of their ability to create volume through physical qualities. However, creating a smooth surface becomes more challenging the higher the HA particle size. With particles half the size of the original AiLEENE Vol#2, it is efficient in improving deep creases at the tip of the chin and nasolabial folds.
Deep dermis and subcutis in regions including the nose, chin, temple, forehead, cheekbones, marionette lines, and jawline are recommended to be treated with AiLEENE Vol#3. Each syringe contains 1 milliliter of 20 mg of HA and 0.3% lidocaine to help reduce the patient’s pain and suffering. There are two syringes (1 ml each) of this premium product in each AiLEENE Vol#2 box.
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